Today, businesses compete in more competitive, fast-moving markets than ever before. 趋势会在一夜之间改变, 颠覆不断威胁着成熟的市场, 新的竞争者也在不断涌现. Safe to say, the business leaders of today don’t have their challenges to seek. 

有效地驾驭这些 竞争性行业 demands that entrepreneurs and executives have access to precise, timely, financial information. 没有可靠的财务见解, business leaders are effectively guessing every time they make a major decision, 从雇新员工到开新店. 

但发展这些见解并非易事. 许多企业在会计和财务方面投资不足, instead electing just to do the bare minimum to ensure that taxes are filed on time and investors are kept happy. 这种行为阻碍了企业的发展, blinding leaders to potential growth opportunities and resulting in significant uncertainty in dealing with major financial issues. 

There’s a reason many businesses lack the accounting and finance expertise they require to grow: building out these capabilities is complex, 昂贵的, 和耗时. Many Small to Midsize Businesses (SMBs) lack the 资源s to recruit, 资源, 并组建内部会计和财务团队. But at the same time, skating by with a part-time bookkeeper doesn’t cut it. 那么,解决方案是什么呢?

进入外包会计师事务所. 通过与外包会计师事务所合作, businesses can delegate all of their accounting and finance tasks to an experienced third-party service provider. 这产生了各种各样的好处, from more accurate bookkeeping to access to a network of sophisticated finance professionals. 

在选择外包会计师事务所时, it’s important to keep in mind that one thing can amplify all these benefits: choosing an outsourced accounting partner with direct knowledge of your local business environment. 

但外包会计师事务所到底是什么, and how does working with an outsourced accounting firm based in Indiana benefit Indiana businesses? 请继续阅读,我们将探索这些问题的答案. 


Every business leader is familiar with the process of accounting: the process of recording and analyzing your business’s financial transactions. Often, the default belief is that this has to be handled in-house, either by using a basic Quickbooks 设置,聘请簿记员,甚至聘请全职会计师. 

对于许多企业来说,这种解决方案通常不是最优的, 让他们的账户杂乱无章, 过时的, 和不准确. 会计 is complex and if a business lacks the expertise to build the correct accounting systems and processes, 它可能会在管理财务方面遇到困难. 

Working with an outsourced accounting firm enables businesses to delegate either some, 或全部, 将他们的会计和簿记任务委托给外部供应商. 这些服务通常由 注册会计师事务所, take a tried and tested approach to building accounting frameworks that enable businesses to gain a clearer picture of their financial performance. 

外包会计服务, 也被称为客户会计服务(CAS), 通常分为三层:

  • 外包记账: hiring an outsourced bookkeeper enables businesses to delegate tasks such as reconciling bank accounts, 发送发票, 和更多的. 
  • 外包会计或控制人服务:外包会计师, 有时被称为外包控制器, 工作任务包括监控预算, 运行工资, 制作财务报告. 
  • 外包财务总监服务: these engagements focus primarily on major strategic issues such as raising investment and advising on M&一个交易.

没有两个外包会计业务是相同的. Every relationship between an outsourced accounting firm and a business should be different since every business has a unique set of financial needs. Focus on finding a local partner that takes the time to understand your business and help build a winning plan for the future.  

Three Reasons to Work with an Outsourced 会计 Firm in Indiana

全国各地都有外包会计师事务所, 但如果你的公司在印第安纳州或附近, you would be well-served to consider finding a local partner that’s equipped to handle the full spectrum of your accounting needs. 

Here are a few reasons why business owners should look to strike a partnership with a local outsourced accounting firm:

  • 了解当地税收法规: a firm with a large client base in Indiana is much more likely to understand the intricacies of Indiana state tax regulations than a national outsourced accounting firm based on the other side of the country. This not only ensures compliance but also saves your business money by ensuring that you take advantage of all available 税的机会
  • 本地商业联系商业是一项团队运动. 成功在一定程度上取决于你的人际网络. An outsourced accounting firm with local roots will be able to introduce you to a variety of local professionals who can help you grow your business, 包括律师, 银行家, 和更多的. 
  • 更紧密合作的能力: while technology has made virtual collaboration easier than ever before, 有时候面对面的交流会更好. And when you outsource your accounting needs to a firm based near Indiana, 你完全可以做到这一点. 在LBMC,我们定期欢迎客户到明升体育app下载路易斯维尔办公室. 

It’s important to remember that all these benefits come in addition to the wide range of benefits that businesses can realize by outsourcing their accounting firm in the first place. 其中包括节约成本等因素, 效率的提高, 获得一流的会计技术, 和更多的. 


Hiring an outsourced accounting firm can unlock major benefits for your business’s finances, 但雇佣一家离你很近的公司可能会更有影响力. Working with a local outsourced accounting firm allows you to build a closer relationship, 接入新网络, 更好地驾驭州税法. 

If you’re interested in working with an outsourced accounting firm with expertise in Indiana, LBMC的团队会提供帮助. With a convenient location right across the state border in 路易斯维尔, KY, we’re proud to serve dozens of businesses located all across the great state of Indiana. 

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